
Crin Antonescu, candidatul comun la Preşedinţie

PSD, PNL, UDMR, and the group of national minorities have agreed to put forward a common candidate for the Presidency in the person of Crin Antonescu. The official announcement was made by PNL leader Ilie Bolojan on Monday.

”Una din prevederile acestui protocol este şi desemnarea unui candidat unic la funcţia de preşedinte al României. Am convenit prin consens ca acest candidat să fie domnul Crin Antonescu, urmând ca fiecare partid politic să desemneze candidatul şi să aprobe această candidatură în forurile interne ale fiecăruia.”, a spus Bolojan, după ce Ciolacu a anunţat ca a fost convenit protocolul coaliţiei de guvernare, potrivit news.ro.

Former PNL president Crin Antonescu confirmed on Sunday the existence of discussions regarding his candidacy for the presidency on behalf of the pro-European coalition, but mentioned that it is a ”complex” discussion.

Previously, PSD MEP Gabriela Firea expressed that former PNL leader Crin Antonescu is a good option to run for the presidential elections on behalf of PSD-PNL, noting that he has a lot of experience and is one of the most effective politicians.

PNL Senator Vasile Blaga stated on Friday at Parliament that in his opinion, Crin Antonescu is a very good option for the presidential candidacy, but that the candidate must fulfill a single condition, which he believes Crin can meet, namely to win.